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NiceXSL Command Line Usage

You may reverse engineer an XSLT stylesheet using the Saxon XSLT processor from Michael Kay as:

  java -jar saxon7.jar stylesheet.xsl XSL2NiceXSL.xsl -o stylesheet.nxsl

using the appropriate paths for

  saxon7.jar - the Java Archive containing the Saxon XSLT processor,
  stylesheet.xsl - the stylesheet to be translated to NiceXSL,
  XSL2NiceXSL.xsl - the translation stylesheet from the NiceXSL distribution,
  stylesheet.nxsl - the result of the translation to NiceXSL.

or using the XSLT 1 processor within the JVM

  java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in stylesheet.xsl -xsl XSL2NiceXSL.xsl -out stylesheet.nxsl

A similar command line should work with your favourite XSLT 1.0 or 2.0 processor.

You compile a NiceXSL source to an XSLT stylesheet by

  java -jar nicexsl.jar stylesheet.nxsl stylesheet.xsl

using the appropriate paths for

  nicexsl.jar - the Java Archive from the NiceXSL distribution,
  stylesheet.nxsl - the NiceXSL to be translated,
  stylesheet.xsl - the result of the translation to XSLT.


  java -jar nicexsl.jar stylesheet.nxsl .

if you would like the output on the standrad output.

Edward D. Willink
6 February 2004